Global Ethics Weekly : Gouvernance et éthique de l'IA, avec Wendell Wallach

7 mars 2019

Wendell Wallach, consultant, éthicien et chercheur au Centre interdisciplinaire de bioéthique de Yale, discute de certains des enjeux actuels de l'intelligence artificielle (IA), y compris de son plaidoyer en faveur d'une gouvernance internationale de la technologie. Avec l'animateur Alex Woodson, il parle également du récent décret de Trump, du revenu de base universel et de certaines questions éthiques en Chine concernant l'IA, notamment le système de crédit social.

Wendell Wallach, consultant, ethicist, and scholar at the Yale Interdisciplinary Center for Bioethics, discusses some of the current issues in artificial intelligence (AI), including his push for international governance of the technology. He and host Alex Woodson also speak about Trump's recent executive order, universal basic income, and some of the ethical issues in China concerning AI, including the Social Credit System.

Wallach is a Carnegie-Uehiro fellow and has spoken several times at Carnegie Council, most recently at a December 2018 event organized in part by The Hastings Center, where he is a senior adviser, and in a September 2016 interview with Stephanie Sy.

This podcast also references Sy's March 2018 Carnegie Council interview with Andrew Yang, a Democratic presidential candidate 2020, and some popular YouTube videos about his platform, focusing on universal basic income.

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