U.S.-Mexican border between Nogales, Arizona & Nogales, Sonora. CREDIT: <a href="https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Mexican-American_border_at_Nogales.jpg">Sgt. 1st Class Gordon Hyde (CC/Public Domain)</a>
U.S.-Mexican border between Nogales, Arizona & Nogales, Sonora. CREDIT: Sgt. 1st Class Gordon Hyde (CC/Public Domain)

Migration & Citizenship in the Capitalist State, with Lea Ypi

Jul 31, 2018


"In both political debates and academic debates on migration the question of class is often missed," says London School of Economics' Lea Ypi. "When we reduce migration to a problem of open-versus-closed borders, of accepting or under what terms we accept or exclude migrants, we forget that borders are and have always been and will continue to be, at least under the current regimes, open for some people and closed for other people."

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